Saturday, February 28, 2009

Warwick Economics Summit 2009

A few weeks ago [February 13th-15th] I attended the Warwick Economics Summit at Warwick University in Coventry, UK. This student organized conference started in 2002. Every year students from across the globe come together and listen to leaders in a variety of fields discuss emerging topics in the economic, political, development, and social spheres.

This year's speakers included: John Authers-Investment Editor at the Financial Times, Kate Barker-External Member of the MPC_Bank of England, and Patrick Birley-Chief Executive for the European Climate Exchange. Although I enjoyed each speaker my top favorites were KAL (Kevin Kallaugher)-resident political cartoonist/satirist from The Economist; Paul Donovan-Deputy Head of Global Economics with UBS and Sadeq Sayeed-Vice Chairman of Nomura International {tied}; and Andrew Oswald Pioneer-Professor of Economics with the University of Warwick and Richard Wilkinson- Emeritus Professor of Social Epidemiology with the University of Nottingham {tied}.

KAL's personality is just as engaging as his work. He even taught us how to draw former President G.W. Bush in a few minutes flat! Most importantly he discussed the great amount of news and information he reads in order to create his works of art as well as new ventures into other forms of visual media. Donovan and Syeed were tied in my book because these two gentlemen were the most blunt speakers of the whole weekend. As for the professors, their research is thoroughly intriguing. Both Oswald and Wilkinson are using economics to explore areas related to other disciplines like happiness and social inequalities.

Beyond the speakers, there was a dinner dance complete with economics/general knowledge quiz and seminars where students debated and discussed a given subject. We discussed the impact of Chinese and African business on the West in the seminar I attended. As this is my main research area, I couldn't help but dig right in.
All in all the conference was a success. And less I forget big kudos to the wonderful organizers. They were professional, organized, and very sweet.

The picture was taken at the conference with some new friends in front of Simon Patterson's artwork wallpaper-'Cosmic Wallpaper'.

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